
    Thank you for participating in this survey. Your insights on the given subject are very valuable!

    This survey is specifically intended to determine women's preferences in regards to the narrative structure of drama romance anime films.
    If you fall under the given target group: women between the ages of 18-28 that live in the US and watch drama romance anime films, please consider sharing your opinion on the given topic. The goal of this research is to identify the specific elements of the narrative structure applicable to drama romance anime that are preferred by women within this target group, which would give anime producers and streaming services an idea of what to focus on when creating content.

    The survey will not take more than 10 minutes of your time and will help the researcher get closer to answering the central question. Thank you in advance for your participation!
  • 1.
    How do you see yourself within the drama romance Anime industry?
    (multiple answers are possible, use the ones that are most applicable)

  • 2.
    How often do you watch drama romance Anime films?

  • 3.
    On which platforms do you normally watch drama romance anime films?
    multiple answers are possible, use the ones that are most applicable

  • 4.
    On which of the following paid streaming services would you consider watching drama romance anime films?
    multiple answers are possible, use the ones that are most applicable

  • 5.
    To which extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

    Strongly agreeSomewhat agreeNeutralSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagree
    I am interested in consuming official drama romance anime-related media
    Listening to drama romance anime-related music
    Reading drama romance anime-related forums
    Consuming fan-made drama romance anime-related media
    Playing drama romance anime-related themed games
    Engaging in drama romance anime-related forums
    Collecting drama romance anime-related merchandise
    Attending drama romance anime conventions
    Cosplaying drama romance anime related characters
  • 6.
    To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? I watch drama romance anime because...

    Strongly agreeSomewhat agreeNeutralSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagree
    I like the relationship dynamics
    it triggers my emotions
    I like how the stories are told
    I like the characters
    I like the story worlds
    I like how the animation looks
  • 7.
    Rate the level of importance you give to the following narrative elements of drama romance anime films:

    Narrative structure (the order and way in which the story is presented)Narrative setting (the story world)Narrative theme (central topic or message)Characterization (characters)
    Somewhat important
    Somewhat unimportant
  • 8.
    Rate your level of awareness for the following narrative structure elements

    Fully awareSomewhat awareNeutralSomewhat unawareFully unaware
    Plot structure (how a plot is structured)
    Narrative perspective (from which point of view a story is told)
    Plot category (the order in which the events in the story are told)
    Plot structure
    Plot structure consists of three main elements: Act I - where the characters and events are introduced, Act II - where a conflict is introduced, and Act III - where the conflict is resolved.
  • 9.
    As Act I aims to set the scene of the narrative, how important do you think it is that characters, situations, and settings are established at the beginning of the story in a drama romance anime film?

  • 10.
    Which of the following conditions do you believe Act I must meet in order to establish a clear introduction in a drama romance anime film?
    multiple answers are possible, use the one that is most applicable

  • 11.
    As Act II aims to introduce a significant event that would influence the protagonist's fate and future actions, how much importance do you think this stage holds in a drama romance anime film?
    multiple answers are possible, use the one that is most applicable

  • 12.
    In the context of Act II, in which direction would you prefer the protagonist's life to go in a drama romance anime film?
    multiple answers are possible, use the one that is most applicable

  • 13.
    Which of the following conditions do you believe Act II must meet in order to establish a strong conflict in a drama romance anime film?
    multiple answers are possible, use the ones that are most applicable

  • 14.
    As Act III aims to represent the resolution of the tense situation established in Act II, how important do you think this stage is in a drama romance anime film?

  • 15.
    In the context of Act II, in which direction would you prefer the protagonist's life to go in a drama romance anime film?

  • 16.
    Which of the following conditions do you believe Act III must meet in order to establish a satisfactory resolution in a drama romance anime film?
    multiple answers are possible, choose the ones that are most applicable

    Narrative Perspective

    The narrative perspective represents the point of view from which a story is told. It can be categorized into first, second, third, and alternating person narration.
  • 17.
    In your opinion, how important it is that a story is being told from a specific, predetermined perspective?

  • 18.
    Which of the following narrative points of view do you prefer in a drama romance anime film?
    multiple answers are possible, choose the ones that are most applicable

  • 19.
    In case of a first-person perspective in drama romance anime films, what is your preference in relation to the narrator?
    multiple answers are possible, choose the ones that are most applicable

  • 20.
    In case of a second-person perspective in drama romance anime films, what is your preference in relation to the narrator?
    multiple answers are possible, choose the one that is most applicable

  • 21.
    In case of a third-person perspective in drama romance anime films, what is your preference in relation to the narrator?
    multiple answers are possible, choose the ones that are most applicable

  • 22.
    In the case of a third-person perspective in drama romance anime films, do you prefer the narration to have a more subjective or objective tone?
    multiple answers are possible, choose the ones that are most applicable

  • 23.
    In the case of an alternating person narrative perspective in drama romance anime films, what is your preference in relation to the narrator?
    multiple answers are possible, choose the ones that are most applicable

    Plot Categories

    Plot categories refer to the way in which the events of a story are being told, and can be classified into linear and nonlinear.
  • 24.
    In your opinion, how important is this categorization of events being told?

  • 25.
    Linear storytelling refers to when the events within a story are told in a chronological order, that given, which tense of chronological order do you prefer?
    multiple answers are possible, choose the ones that are most applicable

  • 26.
    Nonlinear storytelling refers to when the events are being told out of chronological order, given, which of the following storytelling techniques do you prefer?
    multiple answers are possible, choose the ones that are most applicable

  • 27.
    As linear and nonlinear storytelling are two different storytelling techniques, which one do you prefer over the other?